Ayurveda: A Snap Shot

 Ayurveda: The Knowledge of Life

India’s traditional medical system, Ayurveda, is as intricate as it is elegant, as vast as it is simple. Each individual is understood to be unique, yet made up of the same 5 elements and the same spectrum of qualities as everything in the Universe.

The 5 Elements (Maha Bhūtas): Ether, Air, Fire, Water, Earth

Qualities/Attributes (Gunas) related to each element:

  • Ether is clear, light, subtle, soft, immeasurable.

  • Air is mobile, dry, light, cold, rough, subtle.

  • Fire is hot, sharp, light, dry, subtle.

  • Water is cool, liquid, dull, soft, oily, slimy.

  • Earth is heavy, dull, static, dense, hard, gross.

Applied to the psycho-somatic organism, one can infer the functionality of these attributes. According to Ayurveda, health is reliant upon maintaining one’s unique qualitative and quantitative balance of the 5 elements and their associated qualities. Equilibrium, and therefore health, is a living, creative process, not an idealized or static state, and as such requires mindful attention to one’s subjective experience of the effect of every action (karma) and substance (dravya) imbibed.

The Ayurvedic adage “everything is medicine, everything is poison” illustrates that nothing is absolute and that all remedies must be tailor fit to suit each individual. Diet, lifestyle, herbal formulas and other medicines are determined based on the individual’s constitution (prakriti), current imbalances (vikriti), life history, genetic predispositions, age, season, climate and more. Life is constant flux. Ayurveda offers us a lens and practical tools by which we learn to surf skillfully with the changing tides day to day, season to season and throughout the stages of life.

One of my teachers, Dr. Scott Blossom, has an excellent dosha quiz if you’re interested in learning more about your constitution. Please contact Emmie for a consultation.

Consultations are online or in-person. Fillable health history form for new clients


Emmie is gratefully able to offer this guidance and wisdom thanks to her esteemed teacher, Dr. Vasant Lad