Three Ayurvedic Beauty Tips for Summer

Three Ayurvedic Beauty Tips For Summer

 Ready to sparkle this summer? These simple tips from the time-tested wisdom of Ayurveda (literally “the knowledge of life”) will help you look and feel your best!

#1 Skin Care

Abhyanga, or self oil massage, will restore youthfulness and radiance to your skin. Like all Ayurvedic beauty practices, the benefits are never purely superficial, and the application of oil over the entire body is renowned for its healing effects on the body and mind. From boosting the immune system and balancing the nervous system to promoting flexibility in the muscles and lubrication of joints, Abhyanga is like giving yourself the gift of beauty from the inside-out.

The ideal oil to choose depends on your constitution, but in the summertime it’s safe to say that organic virgin coconut oil is an excellent option. If it’s a cool day and the oil has solidified (as coconut oil will if it’s under 76 degrees), warm it up first to liquefy it. Massage your entire body slowly, with loving care (this increases oxytocin levels), before you shower. The water in the shower will help the oil penetrate more deeply.

  • Bonus tip: Apply ground chickpea flour to your skin in the shower to soak up residual oil and leave your skin extra soft.

#2 Facial

Here are the steps to doing an Ayurvedic facial.


Pour boiling hot water into a large bowl. Cover your head with a towel and lean over the bowl, breathing in the steam for 5-10 minutes. This will open your pores, release toxins and prepare your skin for a mask.

  • Bonus tip: Add 5 drops of nasya oil or a combination of eucalyptus and rose essential oils to the steam to improve respiratory health and promote mental clarity.

Mask recipe

  • ½ tsp organic neem leaf powder

  • ½ tsp organic triphala powder

  • 1/8 tsp organic turmeric powder

  • 1 Tbsp organic chickpea flour

  • Organic rose hydrosol (rose water spray)

Mix ingredients to form a paste and apply to face, avoiding contact with the eyes. Leave it on for 5 minutes and rinse several times with warm water. If you need to replenish some oil to your face afterward, apply a thin layer of coconut oil. Finish by spritzing with rose hydrosol

#3 Hair Care

Massage coconut or bhringaraj oil into your scalp and comb it through your hair. Leave the oil on for a minimum of 30 minutes before shampooing, but if you can leave it overnight, even better. Put an old towel over your pillow to prevent staining, or wrap one gently around your head. Oil is full of fatty acids that will repair split ends, penetrate the scalp and thereby soothe the nervous system, preserve color, resolve dandruff, detangle, and hasten hair growth. This treatment will also leave your hair looking lustrously healthy. Wow!

Bonus tip: To get the oil out of your hair more easily, do a “dry shampoo” which means don’t get your head too wet before shampooing.

I heard a quote that recently that really resonated (source unknown): “Haste and superficiality are diseases of the 20th century.” While I’m sure hastiness and superficiality have existed to some degree historically, they are all-too prevalent features of our modern day culture and are root causes of psychological and physiological illness. The truth is that nothing can make our skin shine and our hair lustrous like taking the time to do a well crafted cleanse, at least twice a year.

Did you know that 80% of the skin’s appearance on the outside is determined by the health of our organs, blood, lymphatic and circulatory systems? So enjoy the immediate benefits of the practices I’ve described here, and do the work of radiance from the inside-out by following Michael Pollan’s sage slogan, “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.” Then up-level to Ayurveda's advice to do panchakarma, (a thorough yet nourishing cleanse) twice a year, at fall and spring equinoxes.  

Daily Routine - Dinacharya from Ayurveda

These Ayurvedic practices increase stamina and immunity, calm the mind and emotions, and support us in navigating life from a place of depth and authenticity.


  • Wake Up between 5:00-6:00am, or before sunrise.

  • Meditate for 5-20 minutes* either lying in bed or seated. Incorporate bringing awareness to your breath, and visualizing a smooth day.

*If you have a busy day coming up, add 5 minutes to your meditation

  • Scrape Your Tongue with a tongue scraper or a wash cloth several times from back to front. Brush teeth and splash water on your face, then,

  • Drink a cup of Warm Water

  • Oil Up! Abyhanga is self-oil massage. Use warm sesame oil and massage it into your entire body, including up your nose and in your ears! Leave it on for 5 minutes—longer if possible—then take a warm shower using minimal soap.  Put on a few drop of your favorite essential oil.

  • Yoga, Walking, Dancing, any movement that is FUN! Don't be excessive about exercise. "Enough is abundance to the wise." -Euripides

  • Breakfast is ideally warm, like hot cereal or stewed fruit. Minimize or avoid caffeine.  


  • Avoid multi-tasking! Let part of your practice involve doing one thing at a time in an unhurried manner.

  • Pause, Breathe, Relax at least once/hour. Take a few mindful breaths while doing nothing else and relax your body once every hour. This takes approximately 20 seconds.

  • Lunch is ideally at the same time every day, and is the largest meal of the day. Eat slowly, and enjoy whole, organically grown food. Add ghee or high quality oils to your diet, as well as plenty of herbs and spices.


  • Go to bed by 10pm. Turn off anything with a screen at least a half hour before bed.

  • Dinner is ideally light, such as vegetarian soup or stew. Mealtimes should be regular, and dinner by 7pm. Avoid eating after dinner.

  • Drink warm, organic whole milk before bed spiced with nutmeg and cardamom and raw honey to help you sleep well. If cow’s milk isn’t agreeable for you, try almond milk.

Cheers to your health!
